PSARA License

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PSARA License

PSARA License Registration is a prerequisite before any person starts a private security business in India. The Private Security Agency means an entity that provides Private Security Guards and other related services at an establishment as an alternate to the police. The private security agencies’ operation is governed by The Private Security Agencies Regulation Act, 2005, enforced by the Department of Internal Security of the Ministry of Home affairs, Government of India
After the enactment of the PSARA (Act), it is mandatory for a security agency to obtain a Licence from the State Controlling Authority Concerned prior to commencing the business and in case of non-compliance, the law provides for stringent penal consequences. The application for PSARA License to start a private security agency is made to the competent authority of the state. The PSARA License is issued to operate in one or more districts of a particular state or for the entire state. Streamline your security operations  with our expert PSARA license registration services in Noida, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

Legal Provisions For PSARA License

  1. Law: The Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005
  2. Rules: Private Security Agencies Central Model Rules, 2006
  3. Enforcement Date: 14th March 2006
  4. State Government Role: This is a Central Law, However under section 3 of PSARA, every state is required to designate an officer, not below the rank of Joint Secretary, as the controlling authority, by way of a notification.
  5. Validity of License: The PSARA License remains valid for five years from the date of issuance of the license. The application for renewal of the Psara license has to be filed 45 days prior to the license expiry. Once the license gets expired, a fresh application would be required.

How to Apply PSARA License? Stepwise Process of Psara

  1. STEP 1 – Documentation

    The correct documentation is necessary for a hassle-free process, and the List of documents required depends on the type of applicant.

    STEP 2 – MOU With Training Institute

    The applicant will enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with a recognised training institute to train its guards and supervisors. Every state has recognised various security training institutes for this purpose.

    STEP 3 – Application Filing

    The application for the grant of PSARA License is filed before the respective state’s controlling authority has jurisdiction. A separate application is to be filed for each state as there is no provision for one central license covering all states.

    STEP 4 – Verification

    After the filing of the application, the antecedent of the business and its directors or principal officer is then verified by the Local Police station having jurisdiction on the address of the applicant or the director/principal officer(s) as the case may be.

    STEP 5 – Issue of PSARA License

    After satisfactory verification of the documents and the applicant’s antecedent, the Controlling Authority issues the PSARA License Registration Agency In Noida . However, in some cases, the Controlling Authority may require a personal interview of the applicant.

    STEP 6 – State Level Variation

    The grant of PSARA License is more or less the same across all the states in India. However, there are minor variations in the way documents are prepared and submitted. As the police is a state subject, we found that the process of antecedent verification of the applicant, director or principal officer varies from state to state.

Documents Required For PSARA License in India

Private Limited Company

A. Entity Documents
Certificate of Incorporation (COI)
Memorandum of Association (MoA)
Article of Association (AOA)
Pan Card Copy of entity
B. Each Director Documents
Passport size Photograph
Pan card
Aadhar card
Address proof
Police verification certificate
Educational documents
C. Premises Related
Rental Agreement in the name of the entity
Ownership proof of the premises ie. Latest electricity bill/property tax paid receipt/ sale deed(property papers) of the premises
D. Other Documents
MOU from training Institute
Guards Photo in uniform
Establishment photograph (exterior and Interior)
Shop Act registration Certificate
PF and ESIC certificate (if any)
GST Certificate (If any)

Company/Firm Eligibility Criteria for PSARA License

  1. Person Eligible To Apply For PSARA: Any person, whether individual or a legal entity is eligible for making an application for the PSARA License. Following is the indicative list of applicants for PSARA
  2. Name and Object of Business: The entity’s name should contain the word Security Services or Related terms that represent the applicant’s object. In the case of a Company, the main objects of the MOA must include a specific clause relating to Providing of Security Services.
  3. MOU With Training Institute: The applicant for a PSARA Licence must enter into an MOU with a training institute or an organisation as approved by the state controlling authority for imparting training to the security guards. There is relaxation to the training requirements for ex-servicemen.
  4. National Interest: The PSARA Licence cannot be granted to a person if it is found to keep Links with an organisation or association, banned under any law or by a government order to protect National Security, Public Order, or prevent any activity prejudicial to National Security.
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